
【12/19(月)開催】同志社大学アメリカ研究所第5部門 公開講演会

'22年11月18日 更新
12月19日(月)に同志社大学アメリカ研究所 第5部門研究(代表:法学部・飯田健)の公開講演会を開催いたします。ご関心・ご都合が合います方は是非ご参加ください。

講師Luigi Curini, Professor of Political Science, the University of Milan
演題Covid Policy Diffusion among OECD Countries(OECD 諸国におけるコロナ政策の拡散と伝播)
概要To address the Covid pandemic, a set of unprecedented Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions were implemented across the world. We document patterns of policy diffusion across OECD countries in the period January 2020 to March2022. By performing first a VAR and then a diffusion analysis with spatially-weighted lags, we find evidence of a discernible association between policies adopted across OECD countries according to their geographical distance. Interestingly, we find that policy diffusion effects are stronger when other countries are, on average, increasing the stringency of the restrictions they adopt. Conversely, no statistically significant policy diffusion can be detected when other countries are relaxing their restriction. We suggest that this asymmetry, leading to biased diffusion, reflects political incentives. We consider the implications of this finding far from being negligible.


12月19日(月)に同志社大学アメリカ研究所 第5部門研究(代表:法学部・飯田健)の公開講演会を開催いたします。ご関心・ご都合が合います方は是非ご参加ください。

講師Luigi Curini, Professor of Political Science, the University of Milan
演題Covid Policy Diffusion among OECD Countries(OECD 諸国におけるコロナ政策の拡散と伝播)
概要To address the Covid pandemic, a set of unprecedented Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions were implemented across the world. We document patterns of policy diffusion across OECD countries in the period January 2020 to March2022. By performing first a VAR and then a diffusion analysis with spatially-weighted lags, we find evidence of a discernible association between policies adopted across OECD countries according to their geographical distance. Interestingly, we find that policy diffusion effects are stronger when other countries are, on average, increasing the stringency of the restrictions they adopt. Conversely, no statistically significant policy diffusion can be detected when other countries are relaxing their restriction. We suggest that this asymmetry, leading to biased diffusion, reflects political incentives. We consider the implications of this finding far from being negligible.

